Chapters of my Life..

December 10, 2006

It's been a while..

Feels like it's been a while since I last blogged..

But actually it's not too long ago.. 2 weeks only..?

Anyway.. stuff has been happening..

Granny - mom's side.. had a birthday.. and then a couple of days later got another stroke.. her first was several mths back.. but recovered well.. this time round.. the stroke has left her unable to move on one side.. and frm what i heard a couple of days ago.. she was also unable to speak.. the next 3mths will be most crucial in terms of helping her to recover as best as possible..

Prayer request:-
~that my granny would have the peace of the Lord; that she would not be anxious, that she knows that the Lord is the Great Physician and that He can and will heal her..
~pray that God's wisdom, knowledge and discernment will be upon mom,dad, kow fu and kah mou (uncle n aunty - mom side).. that they would do the right thing to help granny recuperate..
~pray that God's peace would be with everyone in the family too..

Sickness and death.. is something which I try not to dwell on.. the question about.. where is God when someone close to you is inflicted with the above situations.. all I know is that there is a reason for it.. bad or good.. there is always a good side to it.. experiences like these.. makes ppl grow.. give testimonies to others.. of course it doesn't always end up the way we want it.. i used to have that cruel attitude of.. if old folks got really sick.. we would be only doing them a disfavour.. by praying that God will heal them.. when they are already feeling so much pain.. wouldn't it be better and kinder.. if we prayed instead that God should do what is best for the person.. my thought on it was that.. once you are so old.. you are more of a liability than anything else.. what good is it then to be ard here? when your work on earth is complete.. and you are suffering somemore.. why not go and meet your Maker?

I know.. the last couple of sentences.. are prolly morbid and devoid of kindness and goodness.. but isn't it practical and true? if i was 90 and can't do anything useful, sick - in pain and bed ridden.. what is life living for? Would it make more sense to be in Heaven.. where my body would be free of all evil and pain??

Oh well.. that's my 2 cents worth.. it's not an interpretation of my Christian view =)


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